Bad breath, bleeding gums, swollen gums . . . these aren’t merely annoying symptoms to be ignored. These are all common signs of gum disease. Gum disease is defined as inflammation of the gums, and it can lead to damage to the bone and the supporting structures of the teeth. If left untreated, eventually the teeth can become loose. In adults, gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss. The prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum disease is known as periodontics.
Gum disease does not just affect your teeth and gums. It may also play a role in your overall health. Research has indicated that bacteria from gum disease can enter the bloodstream increasing your risk of other medical conditions. For instance, gum disease has been linked to conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
In order to prevent these health conditions, you first need to know how gum disease develops in the first place. It is essentially the end result of plaque. The foods and beverages you consume combine with the bacteria in your mouth to form plaque on your teeth. Bacteria in plaque produces toxins that inflame the gums, which can lead to gum disease.
There are different stages of gum disease including gingivitis and periodontitis. It’s best to recognize and treat gum disease in its earliest stage. Signs of gum disease include:
- Bad breath
- Gums that bleed when brushed
- Swollen gums
- Tender gums
- Receding gum line
Periodontal treatment may vary depending on the stage of your gum disease. Treatment may include cleaning, scaling and root planing.
Scaling and root planing are sometimes called deep cleaning. The procedure involves cleaning the infected root surfaces.
Additional treatment may be needed, such as removal of the damaged tissue and regenerative procedures to treat bone loss. At Austin Dental Cares, our dentists will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to treat gum disease and prevent the condition from becoming worse.